Friday 20 April 2012

3 under 2 to 3 under 3

This weekend my big girl turns 2yrs old! Which means people will begin to pity me less as I can now claim to have three children under 3yrs instead of three under 2yrs. Probably people will still say things to me like "I'm in awe of you" and "You're a brave lady!" A) What is my alternative? B) They should ask my husband if I am really that brave, or worthy of their awe!

Reasons to be cheerful

* We're having a birthday trip out on Sunday and I'm very much hoping my best friend can come. Haven't seen her for ages

* I've made a decision about the twins routine which I hope will be liberating. Explain in another post.

* I am just about on top of my to do list

* I lost 1lb this week when it was feasible I wouldn't loose anything.

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