Sunday, 6 May 2012

While I have been not blogging...

... in no particular order

* The twins have had their second round of jabs; they were very good.

* We finally have an appointment for their hips (suspected clicky at 6wk check) to be scanned next Thursday.

* They've outgrown their moses baskets and 0-3m clothes!

* DD1 does seem to have arrived in the "terrible twos" - cue tantrums and picky eating. But she's so lovely and funny the rest of the time!

* I've been investigating some new 'business' ideas and just generally getting more organised day to day

* We've been going to and loving Twins Club. So nice to feel unfreaky and talk to mums with the same experiences. There's even talk of a Mum's night out.

* I have started swimming again.

A month's worth (I hope) of nappies from Lidyl
* I have started shopping at Lidyl once a month in an effort to save money on basics like nappies. I reckon we could save £15 a month on the 360 nappies I think we use.

* I have now lost more than a stone! Another 1/2 stone and I shall be at my pre-twins weight with more clothes that fit available to me!

* I went shopping by myself yesterday for two hours during nap time (I <3 nap time and I <3 Gina!). It was so nice to go in shops that the monster buggy (hereafter MB) doesn't fit into and to be 'invisible'. I never am when I am pushing the MB. I even got ID'd in Tescos buying a bottle of wine? Quite a compliment at 33.

* I have had a contraceptive implant fitted - no more babies for me (that's another post). The Dr said to me "That's it, all being well we don't need to see you for three years". Which led me to reflect, aloud, on what had happened to me in the previous 3 years. I got married and had three babies! "I hope not as much happens in the next three years!" I said to the Dr. "Well," she said "that's the sign of a contented life then."

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