Monday, 27 February 2012

Grizzly Day

Oh dear, it's been a grizzly day. The twins managed their morning nap well (as they do usually) but apart from that were asleep when they should have been awake and vice versa! I'm nudging them into a Gina Ford routine. I think she's a goddess. Certainly worked for us with DD1. The feed times are starting to fall into place but I think we've got some way to go with the rest. Having said that they were both quiet all evening yesterday, which hadn't happened for a week. It was like they had a little conference at 5:30pm every day to decide whose turn it was that day to play us up! As far as I am concerned that is one for the big pluses with Gina, that grown ups get an evening without bouncing a screaming baby on their knee. Fingers crossed this becomes a regular reality for us soon.

We've also had MIL here today as I am still not lifting DD1 following my csection. I really hope that I will be able to fly solo from next week. I am grateful for the help that I've had but I need to be able to look after the three girls on my own in order to feel like a grown up again and I would rather spend nap times doing things I want to do and not making small talk!

MIL being here made us able to go for a walk to the park which was a highlight for DD1 and meant that the babies did sleep in their pram for a while. Also it means that I am getting exercise. Until last week I had not walked further than the end of our road since December as I got too tired going any further. It's going to take a while for me to build up my fitness and strength again. But I want to start pushing my monster buggy, see picture, ASAP! Check it out at

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